Site pages last updated 6th September 2024

Fellgate stands as a haven amidst the urban sprawl of Jarrow, Hebburn and Sunderland Tyne and Wear. A bastion of greenery and fertile farmland.
It now faces the relentless march of urbanisation, which brings pollution, increases flooding, destroys wild life, decimates bio diversity, will end generations of farming with a loss of vital jobs and increases traffic congestion along the major roads towards White Mare Pool.
This remaining green belt is not just soil, crops and grass; it’s a crucial sanctuary for diverse life forms, a purveyor of fresh air, and a vital link for our community to nature’s bounty.

Yet, this sanctuary is now imperilled, threatened by the looming spectre of development.
We implore your aid in its defence.

Breaking News (History can be found in the News Page)

Now that the Local Plan has bee defeated, our attention must be drawn to the Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is seeking views on how we might revise national planning policy to support our wider objectives.
If we are to stand any chance of saving the Fellgate green belt it is essential that you make an your representation and views to this consultation.

Click this link to the governments web page and the online survey.

I’m working on trying to find a paper or a downloadable version, so watch this space.
The consultation Closes 24th Sep 2024 and this service needs cookies enabled.

1st a big Thank You to all of our supporters, because of your unwavering support the Breaking news is as follows:
The group attended the Borough Council Meeting this evening 05/09/2024 and sat through what was an informative and emotional debate.
There were rapturous rounds of applause from our group for Councillors who highlighted the faults within the Local Plan, associated with many issues that we ourselves have also raised.
There were many and we thank them all 🥰.

There is a bigger picture here but there were many points raised in relation to the loss of Green Belt within South Tyneside as a whole, and particularly the development on Fellgate that would bring with it lots of additional concerns.

When the vote finally came the Local Plan was rejected so the Fellgate Green Belt is saved for now 🥳

Watch the meeting here: Note it is 3 hours

We can take stock for a short time but then we need to start planning on how we can truly:
Save the Fellgate Green Belt for our Generations to come.

Well done everyone 🥰
Our fantastic supporters at the Town Hall in readiness for the big Vote

Thanks to our supporter outside the Town Hall

Help Support our cause, by Donating and signing our petition